Shellfish Jelly With Crumbled Crab And Caviar

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    10 Mins
  • Serving
  • View
    1 683


Shellfish Jelly With Crumbled Crab And Caviar


Step 1

The day before, soak the gelatin in cold water. Shell the crab claws. Chop the shallot very finely. Rinse the shrimp and crush them with a pestle. Put them in a saucepan, cover them with a liter of water and bring to a boil. Remove the scum and cook for 5 minutes. Strain the juice and let it rest.

Step 2

Drain the gelatine, melt it over low heat in a little shrimp juice. Mix it with the remaining juice, add the wine, salt and pepper. Let it cool down.

Step 3

Mix the crab meat with the shallot, tarragon and a tablespoon of chopped chives. Divide into six bowls, pour in a little shrimp jelly, and chill the bowls. As soon as the jelly is set, fill the bowls with the remaining jelly.

Step 4

On the same day, whip the cream into a whipped cream and add a little salt. Arrange a rosette of cream in the bowls, spread the caviar on top and decorate with caviar on top and decorate with sprigs of chives. Keep in a cool place

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  • Mariant

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